1- Bonjour, avant tout, pouvez-vous vous présenter, nous raconter votre parcours et vos activités
Hello, my name is Latoya Belfon. I am a mother of two beautiful boys and a wife to an incredibly supportive husband. I am a three-time Amazon best-selling author, CEO of Labworks Publishing, Co-Founder of Empowered Women in Literature, a McGill University alumna, a Goal Sucess Coach, an Innovative Educator, Workshop & Webinar Facilitator and a dynamic Public Speaker.
2- Et votre vie professionnelle
I have written, illustrated, and published over 15 books as an author. As a publisher, I have worked with several authors who have successfully published/consulted under her company, selling hundreds of books and gaining Best-Selling titles in several book categories. I led workshops and webinars for the Quebec Writers Foundation in 2021 and the BMO Black Entrepreneurship Program in 2022-2023, among many other platforms, while promoting the importance of diverse representation in these spaces.
As a teacher, I have led many educational initiatives and assisted McGill University as a Cooperating teacher, teaching new student teachers the knowledge they need to be future teachers.
As a part of my mission to empower women to achieve their goals, I have created an online support network for women called Winning.
Women’s Guide to Goal Crushing, where women share their knowledge and resources.
In addition, I have co-founded Empowered Women in Lit, an online platform geared toward promoting and encouraging diverse authors and anti-bias literature.
3- Et pourquoi ce secteur d’activité
I have always loved writing since the age of sixteen, but after the birth of my first son, I reflected on the dreams I had tucked away on a dusty shelf in my memory and regained the passion for pursuing them. The start of my author’s journey led me to embrace the power of narration for myself and be a pathway for many others to do the same with my publishing company.
4– Quels sont vos projets à venir ?
My future looks brighter than ever before, and at times it may even be blinding, but I am willing to stare boldly into it, never fearing success but embracing the opportunities that will follow. I look forward to publishing more books, creating events celebrating the importance of diverse authors and literature and empowering small business owners.
5- Quels sont les moments ou événements qui ont changé votre vie
Often when this question is asked to mothers, they say that the birth of their children was a moment that brought about change, and indeed, it is the same for me. The birth of my sons changed my life drastically, inspiring me to elevate myself and encouraging me never to give up.
6– Quel est votre conseil pour les femmes qui veulent réussir ?
To the women who desire success, my greatest advice is that there is beauty and power in knowing one’s self. The greatest battle to succeed will be the one you fight against yourself- the voice that says you can’t and shouldn’t that comes from you. Everyone else and their opinions of you won’t affect your direction in life if you know who you are and believe in your capabilities. Know your strengths and flaws and how to forge each for growth and success. But while also remembering the essence of a woman’s being is to overcome. So if you believe you already possess what you need to succeed at the beginning of your journey, you will go bravely into whichever path you dare to go.
7- Votre avis sur la situation de la femme
In Canada, we are blessed to live in a country where women have many opportunities and freedom. Despite this, BIPOC women struggle with elevating themselves in the business field. We know the importance of representation and diversity in business, so all women need to know that their place in the business field or any area is needed.
8– Votre avis sur le site ?
It is a beautiful website with an impactful initiative. Reading the stories of so many women worldwide and seeing how similar we all are was inspiring. Despite our differences, we brave the world daily, making a positive impact.
9– Dernier mot?
This opportunity came at a time when I honestly evaluated the strength I possess as a woman. With pain and lack, we produce fruit and good fruit at that, from any situation. We take tears, blossom them into smiles, and forge a multitude of blessings from nothingness. Who is like a woman? I am proud of that, even at times when I fall short, that I am never down for too long. My last words to you are to keep rising. The world needs you. The world needs us!
Entretien réalisé par Aziz HARCHA
Mai 2023