Les femmes d'AfriqueInterviews

Soumaya DIDAOU

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– Bonjour, avant tout, pouvez-vous vous présenter, nous raconter votre parcours et vos activités ?

Hello, first of all, my name is Soumaya DIDAOU. I am a Moroccan who splits her time between Morocco and China.

I hold the position of Vice President at SOOSAN HEAVY INDUSTRIES in China and own several businesses in Morocco.

I am 33 years old. I am very passionate about helping people, particularly Moroccan women.

I have taken several ladies to China to help them develop their skills and future.

– Et votre vie professionnelle ?

I am a huge fan of heavy industries and I am active in almost all related fields.

– Et pourquoi ce secteur d’activité ?

I enjoy challenges and find fulfillment in contributing to construction and drilling projects.

– Quels sont vos projets à venir ?

I aim to assist over 2,000 women in traveling to China to realize their dreams. Additionally, I plan to establish multiple industries in Morocco, helping our country become more self-reliant and industrialized.

– Quels sont les moments ou événements qui ont changé votre vie ?

The COVID-19 pandemic, when it first emerged in China, dramatically changed my life within 48 hours and presented new opportunities.

– Quel est votre conseil pour les femmes qui veulent réussir ?

Believe in your dreams and start taking action towards achieving them.

Votre avis sur la situation de la femme au Maroc

We need to establish strong communication channels that empower Moroccan women to think, create, and accomplish more.

Votre avis sur le site ?

I hold this website in high regard. It has great potential to achieve even more by collaborating with associations to organize impactful events.

Lire aussi :   Akisi Julie KOUAME

Dernier mot?

Siiiiiir Siiiiiiiir Siiiiiiiir to the Moroccan « LALLA MOULATI. »

Entretien réalisé par Aziz HARCHA
Aout 2023

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