Les femmes d'AfriqueInterviews

Meryem Belhasan

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1- Bonjour, avant tout, pouvez-vous vous présenter, nous raconter votre parcours et vos activités

My name is Meryem, I am 24 years old. I got my high school degree in Science, and after that, I started studying Business at ENCG Casablanca. I decided to finish my education in the US. I am currently doing a dual degree, a Master’s in Business Analytics + an MBA, and also studying at Harvard School online to complete some certifications.

2- Et votre vie professionnelle

I am a Graduate Assistant at the business school.

3- Et pourquoi ce secteur d’activité

Since I was little, I have liked to organize what I have to do in my day by making a daily schedule. Taking risks has never scared me. The world of organization and business management is what fascinates me. After graduating with a degree in organizational management, I wanted to specialize in what is new. Analytics is what is dominating right now. All large companies have to study and analyze data for business purposes. They say that data is the new essence, And I believe that data is better than oil. My two degrees represent what I love, which is the link between business management and information technology.

4– Quels sont vos projets à venir ?

Focusing on growth and my professional career. Starting my own business when ready.

5- Quels sont les moments ou événements qui ont changé votre vie

The loss of my parents made me change completely by becoming more responsible and organized. To always dream bigger and manifest positive things.

6– Quel est votre conseil pour les femmes qui veulent réussir ?

My advice to women who want to succeed is to work hard, and never give up on their dreams. If you manifest great things, good things will happen, and there will come a time when you will achieve everything you want. I truly believe that what we think is what we become. And I have seen it myself. We, women, need to educate ourselves so that when the opportunity comes, we will be ready to take it. Always seek independence, whoever your father or your husband is.

Lire aussi :   Hanane Benkhallouk

7- Votre avis sur la situation de la femme

US Women are very present in the workplace and ambitious with a mind of steel. Gender equality has become a reality in the United States.
Moroccan women have a spirit of steel, which makes us powerful. I can say that the only difference between the United States and Morocco is the culture and the laws. American women and Moroccan women share the same strong mindset. Unfortunately, there are still some Moroccan women who keep in mind that the man should lead and pay for everything and that the woman should stay home and take care of the children. This myth is changing a bit and I hope that all Moroccan women will understand that we only need us to complete ourselves and that men come after. When a man finds you well educated, with your own money, he will respect you more.

8– Votre avis sur le site ?

I like the message of the website and that it seeks to motivate women.

9– Dernier mot ?

I want to thank the team for their efforts and the website for its positive message and motivation because that’s what women need these days. Good stories + good motivation.

Entretien réalisé par Aziz HARCHA
Janvier 2023

Pack LMF

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