Les femmes d'AfriqueInterviews

Khadija Chakiry

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1- Bonjour, avant tout, pouvez-vous vous présenter, nous raconter votre parcours et vos activités

My name is Khadija Chakiry, and my artistic nickname is The Gagy. I’m 30 years old and I’m actually a journalist, TV reporter, model, Fashion blogger and painter. I’m also from Fez but based in Rabat.
Since my childhood, I’ve dreamed of being a journalist, more specifically, to be a TV reporter and news anchor, and to be active in the field of fashion and modelling, at the same time to graduate from a public university . As a matter of fact, I’ve drawn a strategy since I held my high school diploma in 2011.
I chose English Studies as a speciality at Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah in Fez; since I was sure that English would be the gateway to realise my goals. I studied harder and the journey wasn’t easy. I graduated in 2017 as a Master’s degree holder in Gender Studies from Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellhah University in FEZ (English Department), but before that, and in 2013 I applied for a private school of journalism and audio-visual in Fez where I held a journalism diploma, as well, in 2015, and started realizing my goals step by step. I’m also a TESOL certificate holder (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) from World Tesol Academy based in London in 2021.
In the same year of my university graduation (2017), an old friend of mine from university called Latifa sent me the

Morocco’s news agency “Map” job offer as a journalist and I applied for my dream job. I moved after taking my MA to Casablanca where I chose to study another master in Journalism in IFJ sup institution of journalism. At the same time I was selected for taking the written exam in MAP and selected to take the oral exam too. As a matter of fact, I got the job position as a journalist and TV reporter, with another six journalists out of more than 80 people.

2- Et votre vie professionnelle ?

In my current position as a TV News Reporter, After more than 5 years of reporting experience in La MAP, I research interviews and write news stories that are relevant to the local community, with voice over and video editing with the Moroccan News Channel M24 TV, which is the 24-hour news channel, a TV station that covers Moroccan and international news, true to the values of MAP, which is the leading provider of news in Morocco.
In the previous positions at the MAP, I also was a copywriter, reporter and translator, providing news and writing about current topics, in three languages: Arabic, English and French.

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Furthermore, I also worked with MAP’s newspaper « MLJ » and Magazine « BAB », where I wrote about many topics, and learned to work on newspaper layout with Adobe INdesign.

3- Et pourquoi ce secteur d’activité ?

Back when I was a child, I grew up with news on TV all the Time. As my mom was a news lover, I grew up with HM the king Hassan the 2nd speeches and his death. I grew up with Saddam Hussein and the 11th 9 events and what was happening in the MENA region and the whole world. All these events marked my life and I wanted to come as close as possible to the heart of the world.
As a journalist, part of my job is to inquire new information and ask “why?” questions to find out more. You can explore many different areas that will enrich your critical thinking and analysis.
As a journalist, I have the opportunity to work with different people in a variety of settings. In addition, being a journalist provides me with the chance to travel to new places to cover stories.
As a female journalist, I can speak our voice up and break stereotypes that are related to women.

4– Quels sont vos projets à venir ?

I have many projects in the process:

  • My team management, led by Sofia Lara, are in negotiations with a famous international clothing brand that has contacted me to become their ambassador in Morocco.
  • I also got an opportunity to become a TV reporter and correspondent for an international TV news Channel ( and that was my biggest goal).
  • I also have the chance to teach English at an international school in South Korea.
Lire aussi :   Nazha CHERKAOUI

5- Quels sont les moments ou événements qui ont changé votre vie

As my parents got divorced in 1998, when I was 5 years old, and my father never asked about us again, I took the decision to become a real strong independent woman and be beneficial for my country, moreover, to make my mother proud of me for all what she’s given and has done for me and my siblings.
Because she’s the one who built Khadija Chakiry. That was the turning point of my life.
After that, many family members were underestimating my competences for the fact that I don’t have a father and I’m a woman, I should look for a man and get married instead of building my career, and I can be nothing without a man, but

they forgot the power of a woman who plays the father and the mother at the same time.

6– Quel est votre conseil pour les femmes qui veulent réussir ?

Never say never. Believe in yourself, be confident, transparent, spontaneous, love what you do, love yourself and never care about toxic people who are trying to push you down. Be financially independent and choose the relevant career for your talents.

7- Votre avis sur la situation de la femme au Maroc

The situation of Moroccan women in Morocco is rising progressively, but still facing many challenges.
-Challenging conservative mindsets that see women as inferior to men, that discriminate against women and that do not accept the notion of a woman leader. Despite the tireless efforts led by women and the progress made in many areas, this conservative mindset continues to dominate; as it continues to be propagated by both families and schools.

-The challenge of discrimination in the laws that limits women’s initiatives and restricts any progress.

-The challenge of financial independence, which curtails women’s decision-making independence.

-The challenge of sexual harassment in all its forms; physical, psychological and sexual, especially, in work places (where we suffer a lot from sexual harassment that can, sometimes, touch your evolution at your workplace and/or slow your improvement).

Lire aussi :   Hiba Mabrouk : Entre éducation, technologie et philosophie, une visionnaire marocaine au service de l'innovation

8– Votre avis sur le site ?

I love your website, you’re doing a great job and supporting women who are working hard for themselves in a variety of what so called male dominated sectors. As you are highlighting their talents and speaking up their voice.

9– Dernier mot ?

Life is full of ups and downs. If you believe in yourself, you will make it happen.
For women, stop looking for a rich man and become rich yourself, know your worth and never care about what others say because nobody is perfect, focus on yourself. Support each other.
The journey will not be easier, you will face depression, hard times, insomnia, mind swings, social anxiety, panic attacks and HATERS, but the result will be satisfying, and you’ll enjoy your achievements, especially in a society where women are stereotyped, not by the law or constitution, but by the patriarchal society we belong to. However, there are some women who have been born to change lives.
Just keep believing in yourself and your talents. You also better choose ambitious surroundings, who will believe in you and become a part of your team work, divided we fall, together we stand.
To sum up, I wanna point out that studying at university isn’t that bad and people who claim that you will not get a job if you

graduate from university, believe me you’re LOSERS, university is for legends not boys. Studying at university isn’t easy, you have to wake up everyday at 5 a.m, and the day will never end. University is a life school, where we build our personalities and careers. The majority of my colleagues are working in the public sector, some of them are working worldwide.
I wanna thank my university teachers who were mothers and fathers, believed in us, and helped us to graduate and change something in this world.

Entretien réalisé par Aziz HARCHA
Février 2023

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